

Through co-creation, community members, resilience planners, and city leaders craft shared narratives of resilience and adaptation.


We believe that citizens must become co-authors of our resilience and adaptation plans. Further, it is imperative that we align planning and design objectives across sectors and issue areas. Co-creation is an alternative to conventional forms of community engagement and authorship. Community members working on rain gardens in their yards should also have a seat at the table alongside resilience planners and policy makers. Together, we can define what “resilience” and “living with water” mean for our city, what goals to set for resilience efforts, and how climate adaptation plans will be implemented.

On the Mississippi River

On the Mississippi River

City Park, photo by Jaime Ramiro Diaz

City Park, photo by Jaime Ramiro Diaz

Barge passing through Industrial Canal lock

Barge passing through Industrial Canal lock